Want to travel to or from UAE.  Not sure about any travel Ban or Restrictions?

Want to check the Travel ban. We can help you check the travel ban status throughout the country.?

A travel ban, as defined by the government, is an order that prevents an individual from leaving or entering the country. It is enforced at all ports and is typically accompanied by a court or police directive to safeguard personal interests, such as child custody, financial obligations, or criminal investigations. Individuals subject to a travel ban cannot leave the country until the ban is lifted, and they may be detained if they attempt to enter another country.

Travel ban status check services in Dubai

In the UAE, travel bans can be imposed for various reasons. Some of the most common include:

    • Criminal investigation: If you are under criminal investigation in any country, a UAE travel ban will be imposed immediately.
    • Immigration violations: Violating immigration laws will prevent you from traveling to the UAE.
    • Financial debt: Outstanding financial debts will bar you from traveling to or entering the UAE.
    • Lack of legal work visa: Attempting to enter the UAE without a valid work permit or leaving without notifying your employer may result in a travel ban.
    • Rent conflicts: Unresolved rent conflicts will prevent you from leaving or entering the UAE.
    • Overstaying on visa: Remaining in the UAE after your visa has expired can result in a travel ban.
    • Health issues: In the event of a disease outbreak, such as COVID-19 or cholera, a travel ban may be issued to prevent serious health problems.

Types of UAE travel bans

According to UAE regulations, there are various types of travel bans, each with specific conditions and consequences. It is essential to understand these bans and comply with the law to avoid being subject to a UAE travel ban. The main types of travel bans are:

      • Immigration bans: These are among the most significant travel bans in the UAE. They severely restrict your ability to enter or remain in the country and can be imposed for reasons such as unresolved legal cases, overstaying a visa, financial debts, or criminal activities. Immigration bans can range from temporary (six months) to permanent (lifetime) depending on the severity of the circumstances.
      • Financial bans: These bans are related to outstanding debts, loans, or financial obligations in your home country. Individuals with significant financial obligations may not be allowed to leave their country until their debts are settled. Consequently, substantial debts will prevent you from entering the UAE for any reason.
      • Employment bans: Imposed for work-related issues, these bans can result from breaking employment contracts, violating employment regulations, or leaving a job without informing your employer. If subject to an employment ban, you will be unable to work for a new employer or leave the country during the specified period.
      • Criminal bans: These bans prevent individuals who have committed serious crimes, such as murder or kidnapping, from entering the UAE. Criminal bans are in place to protect the security and stability of the country. You will not be allowed to visit the UAE until such bans are lifted

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